So Today I am going to show you how can you show a notice when a new update of your app is available and the old app will replace with a new update. This is very easy. Just you need to link your app with Firebase Database.
First of all go to the project where you want to integrate this system. Remember integrate this before you publish this app, otherwise your old users will not get the notice of update. This thing will be better if your app is an online app, that’s how your users have to be online when they want to access your app and they will get the notice of update, if your app id offline then also you can integrate this but your users will get notice about update only when they will go online.
First of all go to the Screen1 which will be the Splash Screen of the app and just drag Firebase Database and a Notifier. Now click on Screen1 from Components and scroll down, you can see there are Version Code and Version Name and their default values are 1 and 1.0
You can choose to choose anything but here I am choosing the Version Code and going to change Version Code and Version Name but only use the Version Code to show Update Available Notice via Firebase Database. So now just go to Blocks
Just create this two blocks, I have changed the splash screen’s blocks to Update and Splash both Blocks
Now Add New Screen as Update and go to that screen and Design that screen as you want. I just gave a simple design with a text that is New Update Available after a Logo and then a Button to go to the Play Store to update the app. And then just drag a Custom Tabs from Experimental and set URL as your app’s link (if your app is in Play Store then it may look like this :
If you want to show Whats’ New then you can also use Airtable Spreadsheet and can show all the new features came into new update.
Just create this block, it will redirect your users to the new update app’s link
Final Touch
Now go to Screen1 and set Firebase Database’s Firebase URL and Firebase Token and set Project Bucket to Update. If you don’t know where to found the Firebase Token and Firebase URL then Click Here and follow an old step.
Now go to Firebase and create a Bucket by clicking Plus(+) sign after the Project name and enter Update and click Plus(+) sign and enter Version and in value enter the Version Code(e.g. 1)
Now you can publish your app and when you want to show update to your users then just change the Version Code and Firebase’s Version, then your users will see the Update Notice.
Video Tutorial