Today I am going to show you how to create Image CardView, GridView and Recycle View without using any external extension, just by using Kodular Dynamic Components. By using this process you can create your own style CardViews. So now let’s get started

Image CardView


First I will create a CardView. In Design you just have to drag a Vertical Scroll Arrangement first and make Height and Width as Fill Parent and into this Arrangement drag a Vertical Arrangement and make Width Fill Parent and leave Height as Automatic. Now go to Dynamic Components and drag one Dynamic Card View which is mandatory to show all things, and drag Dynamic Image to show images into CardView and then drag Dynamic Label to show labels into CardView. Here I dragged two Dynamic Label to show Title and Sub title. You can also drag Dynamic Button to show button inside the Card View. So now the Design is completed.


add a Procedure and drag all blocks like this, here =Dynamic Label1 works as Title and Dynamic Label2 will works as Sub Title


i have used this global variable to get data from lists, you can use Airtable, mySQL or Firebase to get data from server


now at last in Screen Initialize drag the Procedure and drag Components to CardViews to see result




Here I will create Grid View with 2 columns, so first drag Vertical_Scroll_Arrangement(1) and make Height and Width to Fill Parent, again drag a Horizontal_Arrangement(1) and make height and width to fill parent and also change Align horizontal to Center. Again drag two Vertical_Arrangements(1 & 2) into Horizontal_Arrangement1 and make both Vertical_Arrangements(1 & 2)  height and width to fill parent. Then just drag Dynamic_CardViewDynamic_Image and Dynamic_Label and then create Blocks




create this blocks on Screen Initialize, as in Dynamic_Image block’s path, you can also set different Labels by creating “select list item list” block in Dynamic_Label1‘s text


you can also get data from Airtable, Firebase, mySql etc.


by deleting last 3 blocks i.e. the blocks of Dynamic_Label1, you will get fully ImageView in Grid style


Video Tutorial

By Abir

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